April 29, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue seizes 4,000 cell phones in joint operation with São Paulo City Hall

The Operation “Where you speak from” aims to inhibit the sale of new cell phones of illicit origin sold in popular shopping centers in São Paulo. The seized material is valued at R $ 8 million, according to the Federal Revenue.


The Federal Revenue and the City of São Paulo seized on Thursday (25) about 4 thousand cell phones during a joint operation in popular shopping malls in the central region of São Paulo.


The purpose of the “Where you speak from” operation was to inhibit the sale of illicit origin new cell phones sold in the city.


According to the Federal Revenue, the practice harms the importers who act legally and subtracts the legitimate jobs generated by the legal activity and also the taxes that are no longer collected in the city and the country.


Os cerca de 4 mil celulares apreendidos nesta quinta estão avaliados em quase R$ 8 milhões, de acordo com a Receita.

The 4 thousand cell phones seized on Thursday are estimated at almost R $ 8 million, according to them. In addition to the loss of the seized goods, those responsible for the stores that sold illegal cell phones must answer for the crime of misappropriation, which in the Penal Code means circumventing the payment of taxes. The penalty for this crime can vary from one to four years in prison, plus a fine, according to the law.


Source: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/06/25/receita-federal-apreende-4-mil-celulares-em-operacao-conjunta-com-a-prefeitura-de-sao-paulo.ghtml

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