February 10, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Trader is arrested suspected of selling smuggled goods in Várzea Paulista

Were seized about 1,300 pairs of trainers and clothing; suspect will respond in freedom



On this Wednesday (8), a trader was arrested in Várzea Paulista on suspicion of storing and selling illegal products in two shops located in the city centre. Approximately 1,300 pairs of trainers and clothes were seized.


According to the General Investigations Police Station (DIG) of Jundiaí, the team received information about two shops that might be selling illicit products, including stolen goods.


On inspection, the police found that the clothes and shoes were produced abroad and imported clandestinely to Brazil. The suspect had no business registration or permission to operate, and did not present invoices for the goods.


He was arrested in flagrante delicto and may answer for the crime of smuggling, which can result in a prison sentence of one to four years.


A bail of three minimum wages was set and he will await the process at liberty.

Source: https://tribunadejundiai.com.br/policia/comerciante-e-preso-suspeito-de-vender-mercadoria-contrabandeada-em-varzea-paulista/

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