June 27, 2016

Reading time • 5 min

Operation in the freeway Castello Branco seizes about 5 ton of products

About 5 tons of products, such as clothing, electronics, perfumes, and sunglasses were seized during an operation with Customs and the Highway Police on June 27th, in the Sorocaba area. No one was arrested.


30 buses were inspected, and, in addition to the products, 3 cars were also seized. The estimate of the seizure total value is R$600,000 thousand.


The operation consisted of approaching and inspecting buses and automobiles coming from the border areas, especially from Paraguay, that were crossing the freeway Castello Branco.


The goal of the operation was to fight smuggling and counterfeiting. The operation involved about 15 Customs officers, Highway police officers and support staff in Sorocaba.

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