June 23, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue seizes 40,000 adulterated TV Box units in the Port of Santos

Operation had the participation of Anatel.


On Tuesday, June 22, the Federal Revenue in Santos concluded the seizure of 40,000 TV Box units, valued at R$ 16 million, through the exchange of information between the Smuggling Surveillance and Repression Division (Direp) of the Unit and Direp of the 2nd Fiscal Region, which covers the states of Acre, Amazonas, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima. The operation also counted on the partnership of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel).


Risk Management and Inspection


The container handled at the Port of Santos would be transfered to another national port. The work developed by the risk management teams, with the help of scanner images, the exchange of information with Direp of the 2nd Tax Region and data contained in the Federal Revenue systems, was decisive for the opening of the cargo unit.


During the inspection, the Federal Revenue observed that the entire imported cargo had been declared as modems for networks, in an attempt to avoid the selection of the merchandise for a more detailed inspection. During the opening of the container and the physical verification of the cargo, only TV Box sets were found.


The work carried out by the Federal Revenue Service in Santos, in partnership with Anatel, allowed the confirmation of the tampering of the devices, which had installed software intended for illegal and unauthorized access to numerous pay TV channels and other paid applications.


Source: https://www.gov.br/receitafederal/pt-br/acesso-a-informacao/acoes-e-programas/acoes-da-receita-federal/noticias/2021/junho/8a-regiao-fiscal/receita-federal-apreende-40-mil-unidades-adulteradas-de-tv-box-no-porto-de-santos

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