August 18, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue carries operation to combat the sale of counterfeit shoes in SP

The expectation of the operation is to seize approximately R$ 20 million in goods.


The Federal Revenue, with the support of the City of São Paulo, initiated an action in a popular shopping center in the capital of São Paulo on Tuesday (18). This is the fifth phase of the Pseudopods operation against the sale of counterfeit shoes of foreign origin in the Brás region.


It is estimated that more than 250 thousand pairs of shoes will be seized, with a market value of approximately R$ 20 million. According to the Federal Revenue, the practice harms Brazilian traders, importers and producers who work legally, reduces formal jobs, in addition to evading taxes that are no longer collected in public coffers.


The action should last from three to four days, time necessary to remove the large amount of products. In addition to the seizure of the goods, those responsible may be responsible for the crime of smuggling.


The name of the operation is a reference to the Greek term which means false feet.



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