January 14, 2017

Reading time • 5 min

1.5 tons of irregular goods are seized at Via Dutra, in Itatiaia

Approximately 900 kg of products without tax documentation and about 600 kg of counterfeit products were seized at Via Dutra, at the Nhangapi Fiscal Post, in Itatiaia, in the south of Rio. The joint action among officers of the Barreira Fiscal Operation of the Department of State, Customs and the State Department of Revenue happened on Wednesday and Thursday (11th and 12th), and was disclosed on Saturday (14th).


Among the products, there were men’s and women’s clothing, handbags, umbrellas, electronics, watches, glasses and caps. The material was inside buses that left Brás, in São Paulo, and were going to Rio de Janeiro, Juiz de Fora (MG) and Vitória (ES). The operation also had support from Customs’ police dogs to find weapons and drugs.


According to the Barreira Fiscal officers, the counterfeit items were sent to the Customs warehouse in Rio de Janeiro and the companies were charged for driving with domestic merchandise without proper documentation.


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