July 11, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Ponta Porã: DOF seizes car loaded with more than BRL 200 thousand in contraband and smuggling materials

A GM/Corsa vehicle, driven by a 41-year-old woman, was seized by the DOF (Department of Border Operations), loaded with packages of smuggled cigarettes, tyres, bracelets and watches. The action took place on Monday (10), on BR-463 in Ponta Porã.


The police were blocking the highway between Dourados and Ponta Porã, when they approached the vehicle. Inside the Corsa were found 200 packets of cigarettes smuggled from Paraguay, 45 tyres of various brands and sizes, 1,680 wristwatches and 1,700 bracelets.


The driver did not say where she picked up the products or where she would take them. The seized material, valued at approximately BRL 220,000, was forwarded to the Federal Revenue Office of Ponta Porã.


The action involving DOF police took place within Operation Horus, a partnership between the State Secretariat for Justice and Public Security and the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

Source: https://www.pontaporainforma.com.br/ponta-pora-dof-apreende-carro-carregado-com-mais-de-r-200-mil-em-materiais-de-contrabando-e-descaminho/

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