September 13, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Police recover BRL 100,000 in stolen beauty products in Bahia

On Monday (11), teams from the Feira de Santana Police Station (Decarga) recovered part of a load of perfumery and beauty products stolen on 30 August on the BR-101 in Amélia Rodrigues.


Two men involved in the crime were arrested at an inn, where police found part of the products. One of the vehicles used by the suspects was seized in the district of Humildes, with another part of the cargo.


“The victim said she was approached by four men, taken along with the lorry and held captive,” said the head of Decarga, police chief Gustavo Coutinho.


Two other people who took part in the crime have already been identified. “Those involved will face charges of aggravated robbery, private imprisonment and criminal association,” said Coutinho.


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