June 20, 2022

Reading time • 5 min

In Guajará-Mirim, PRF conducts seizure of products without invoice / counterfeit

The Federal Highway Police (PRF) in Rondônia, early this morning Friday (20), conducting activity to combat drug smuggling in the border region, on BR 425, near km 109, city of Guajará-Mirim, intercepted a Fiat Palio, black, driven by a 22-year-old man. The car was loaded with a large quantity of products without an invoice.


In total, 3,800 (three thousand and eight hundred) items (diverse clothing), which were being transported spread out over almost the entire interior of the vehicle, were found and forwarded to the Federal Revenue Service. The offender was conducted and will remain at the Justice’s disposal.


Although seizures of this nature are common in the PRF routine, one detail makes this case special: the attempt made by the offender during the police occurrence.


The incident began at 04:30 in the morning, when our officers spotted the vehicle described above and indicated a stop sign. At the time, the driver took off – disregarding the orders of the public officers – escaping at high speed along the BR for several kilometers.


After a tactical follow-up, eight kilometers after the beginning of the action, the car was abandoned on the edges of the highway, without the key in the ignition, indicating the driver’s escape into the woods near the road.


Hours later, around 6:30 in the morning, the same police team approached a cab driven by a 40-year-old man, carrying only one passenger, who looked like the fugitive. After a detailed identification procedure, the man confessed to be the fugitive driver. And the occurrence that seemed to be over, still had an unusual outcome: during the registration of documents, it was found that the cab driver was the father of the arrested offender. Both were taken to the Civil Police in Guajará-Mirim, the son as the author of the crime and the father as a witness to the event.


Source: https://www.folhadevilhena.com.br/2022/05/em-guajara-mirim-prf-realiza-apreensao-de-produtos-sem-nota-fiscal-falsificados/

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