January 7, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Government wants to preclude counterfeting products from being sold on the Internet

The government wants to inhibit the sale of counterfeit products over the Internet in Brazil seeking to avoid risks to the health and safety of consumers.


For this reason companies that run internet sales platforms may have to go through changes to fit the new rules. Reporting to Senacon, companies have 30 days to present their terms of use and other rules that prevent the sale of illegal products. Thereby, Senacon hopes to set minimum guidelines to ensure that illegal or counterfeit products are not going to be exposed or sold online or on social networks.


This new decision was taken with companies from a technical note prepared by the Coordination of Safe and Health Consumption, which takes into account the prohibition on the sale of illegal or counterfeti products by the Federal Constitution, the Consumer Protection Code and the Civil Framework of the Internet.


Also according to the document, e-commerce platforms cannot be exempt from the responsibility of the sales of these products, claiming the impossibility of withdrawing ads such as banners in the form of freedom of expression. The technical note also cites an estimate from the National Forum Against Piracy and legality, which indicates that trade in pirate products caused losses of R $ 155.5 billion in 2018, closing 58,000 jobs per year.


Source: https://odocumento.com.br/governo-quer-impedir-a-venda-de-produtos-piratas-na-internet/

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