February 25, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue seizes clothes and footwear smuggled and fake in stores and warehouses of SP

Value of items can reach R$ 10 million. Establishments will be closed by the City Hall of SP and will have operating license revoked.


The Federal Revenue Service and the City Hall made on Wednesday (24) a joint operation in stores and warehouses of clothing items and counterfeit footwear in the city of São Paulo. The value of the goods can reach R$ 10 million.
After the seizure of the goods by the Federal Revenue Service, the operating license of the establishments will be revoked and they will be banned by the City Hall.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, smuggling of fake products of this kind harms Brazilian merchants, importers and producers who follow the legislation, reduce legitimate jobs and evade taxes, which are no longer collected from public coffers.

Copyright and trademark rights are also infringed, disencouraging investment by entrepreneurs in Brazil.
In addition to the loss of seized goods, generating millions in damage to organized crime, those responsible are accused of smuggling crimes and other related.

The City of São Paulo supported the action through the Mooca Subprefecture, assisting the logistics of removal of goods, and the Metropolitan Civil Guard, which preserved the perimeter of the site ensuring the security of the procedures.


Source: Receita Federal apreende roupas e calçados contrabandeados e falsos em lojas e depósitos de SP | São Paulo | G1 (globo.com)

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