June 4, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue seizes, at the Port of Itapoá, a load of masks that can be used to fight Covid-19

The cargo arrived in Brazil in the process of import, but was not properly declared.


The Customs of the Federal Revenue at the Port of São Francisco do Sul / SC identified hundreds of boxes containing undeclared goods in a physical verification procedure for a load of tables, coming from China. Among them, 400 boxes with 50 facial masks each, totaling 20 thousand units, were identified. The physical verification procedure was carried out at the Customs Enclosure of the Port of Itapoá / SC. The cargo would be destined for a company located in Itajaí / SC.


After completing the administrative procedure, the goods will be subject to seizure for later loss and used to fight the new coronavirus.


Source: http://receita.economia.gov.br/sobre/acoes-e-programas/acoes-da-receita-federal/noticias/2020/junho/9a-regiao-fiscal/receita-federal-apreende-apreende-no-porto-de-itapoa-carga-de-mascaras-que-poderao-ser-utilizadas-no-enfrentamento-a-covid-19

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