July 31, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue seized 22 tons of counterfeit products in SP

According to the Federal Revenue, goods were from China and were found out the Port of Santos. Among the products, there were sneakers, T-shirts, bags and wallets.


The Federal Revenue seized 22 tons of counterfeit products stored in a 40-foot container in the Port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo. According to the information released by the agency on Thursday (30), the cargo was from China and would be delived in Montevideo, in Uruguay.


Sneakers, football team shirts (Brazilians and from other countries) and other produtcs of luxury brands (bags, wallets and purses) were found, all pressed in boxes and bales in order to fit the largest possible amount of goods inside of a single container, as disclosed by the Revenue. In an interview with TV Tribuna, an affiliate of Rede Globo, the customs officer of Santos, Richard Fernando Amoedo Neubarth, explained that the cargo was selected this week and underwent inspection on Wednesday (29).


“It was confirmed brands counterfeiting and false information on the origin of the products. We have products here whose origin says ‘made in Brazil’, but in fact everything came from China,” says Neubarth. According to the delegate, the differential of this operation is that it was a cargo passing through the national territory, coming from China, bound for the Port of Montevideo.


As a result of the risk management and analysis work, the Santos Customs teams determined the unloading of the vessel’s container, for a more detailed inspection. Scanner images already pointed out strong indications that in its content counterfeit goods would be found, suspicions that were confirmed during the opening of the metal box.


Source: https://g1.globo.com/sp/santos-regiao/porto-mar/noticia/2020/07/30/receita-federal-apreende-22-toneladas-de-produtos-falsificados-em-sp.ghtml

Photo: Alex Ferraz/Jornal A Tribuna

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