July 9, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Federal Revenue fight the sales of counterfeit footwear in Brás

It is estimated that more than R$ 2.5 million in shoes were seized.


Last July 8, the Federal Revenue seized about 20,000 pairs of counterfeit shoes in a popular shopping mall in São Paulo. The estimated value of the products exceeds R$ 2.5 million. The seized products filled 564 volumes, including bags and boxes. The action was supported by the São Paulo City Hall.


The operation called “Pseudopodes 4”, in reference to the Greek term, which is also used by biology and means false feet. It is the fourth time in recent years that the Federal Revenue has acted against the sale of counterfeit footwear in the Brás region.


This practice harms Brazilian traders, importers and producers who operate in the law, subtracts legitimate jobs generated by legal activity and withholds taxes, which are no longer collected in public coffers. In addition to the loss of the seized goods, those responsible must be represented by the crime of smuggling.



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