May 16, 2016

Reading time • 5 min

Distrito Federal Police seizes 8 thousand shoes in truck with the Brazilian Post Office logo

The Distrito Federal Police seized 8 thousand counterfeit shoes last Friday (13), at the border of Brasilia and Goiás, some without brands at all. According to them, the products account for approximately R$ 800 thousand and were found inside a Brazilian Post office truck, which allegedly, was bought in an auction promoted by the post office, the logo was still on the truck.The 62 year old driver was arrested. In the vehicle, the police also found his son and an employee, both testified and were released. They were approached by an undercover police officer.


According to Mônica Ferreira, Chief of the Police station of crimes against Intellectual Property, the products were acquired in Nova Serrana (MG) and would be sold to traders at markets in Ceilândia and Goianos, in Taguatinga.These goods seized last Friday exceed the 7000 irregular shoes that were intercepted in the past year. “That would bring a revenue for the State, Customs, and Distrito Federal, of R$240 thousand in taxes. Money that could be used to improve society, such as creating new classrooms, beds in hospitals and Police stations” says Mônica.


The products were both counterfeit products bearing international brands, and no brands whatsoever. The police station informed that the counterfeit products bearing international brands will be destroyed and the others taxed to pay fines. When the driver noticed that the cops were approaching, he tried to get away, but the police officers chased him and the other two employees. Witnesses though that the post office truck was being robbed because the policeman were undercover, as reported by the chief.


The driver of the truck testified and was released on the same Day. Besides trademark violation, he will be charged with stamp fraud and public logo for using the Post Office symbol without authorization.

Photo: Pedro Paulo Borges / G1

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