June 3, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Civil Police seizes truck with 10 tons of counterfeit goods in the North Zone of Rio

According to investigators, the products would supply the irregular trade in areas operated by the militia.


The Civil Police seized on Wednesday morning (27) a truck with ten tons of counterfeit products. The material was in Pavuna, in the North Zone of Rio. This is the largest seizure of counterfeit goods in the country in 2020.


According to investigators at the Police Station for the Suppression of Crimes Against Immaterial Property (DRCPIM), the products would supply irregular commerce in areas where the militia operates in the West Zone of the city. The goods were valued at R $ 9 million.


One person has been arrested and will face a crime for selling fake products.


Source: https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2020/05/27/policia-civil-apreende-carreta-com-cerca-de-10-toneladas-de-produtos-falsificados-na-zona-norte-do-rio.ghtml

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