July 10, 2024

Reading time • 5 min

5th International Fashion Law Event

The Brand Protection Group – BPG participated in the 5th International Fashion Law Event, which took place in Rio Grande do Norte and gathered important figures engaged in combating the illegal market throughout the country, with an audience of more than 100 people, including public authorities, lawyers and fashion professionals.

On the occasion, the association was represented by Wellington Oliveira, president of BPG, who lectured on “The Industry’s Fight Against Illegality”. His presentation was part of the panel “Fashion Law and the Various Practice Areas”, alongside with panelists Edson Vismona, Juliana Domingues, Quesia Pereira Cabral, Marcia Maria Nunes, Geraldo da Cunha Macedo, Mauricio Santos, Gleydson Gadelha, Cacio Manoel and Amanda Câmara.

We congratulate the OAB/RN Fashion Law Commission, responsible for organizing this event, as well as all those who contributed by disseminating knowledge in another extremely important event for the market.

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