October 7, 2014

Reading time • 5 min

BPG, in partnership with ABRABE, organized a seminar about trademark counterfeit at Customs in São Sebastião

On October 7th around 35 auditors and technicians from Federal Revenue Services participated of the event promoted by BPG – Brand Protection Group in partnership with ABRABE (Beverages Brazilian Association), at Customs at São Sebastião City about the counterfeiting of trademarks.

In its 40 years existence, ABRABE has worked effectively along with public agencies for the combat of counterfeiting and practices against the free market.


Besides helping at the counterfeit identification, the goal of this seminar is to development a communication channel between the association and public authorities, to improve the legal, technical and logistic cooperation related to the retention and destructions of seized products.


The event included breakfast and presentations about counterfeiting of trademarks from BPG´s associates and ABRABE´s associates. BPG´s and ABRABE´s materials containing information to help identify counterfeit goods were distributed during the event.



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