February 24, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Two tons of counterfeit products are seized in shops in Recife; material is valued at BRL 1 million

According to the Federal Revenue Office, were collected in six establishments electronic equipment, toys and clothing counterfeited.


Two tons of pirated electronic equipment, clothes and toys were seized, this Thursday (23), in six shops in the Downtown Recife. According to the IRS, the counterfeit products that were collected in Operation Faketronics are valued at BRL 1 million.


According to the Federal Revenue Office, among the seized electronic equipment are TV-box, video game, mobile phone accessories and speakers.


Gustavo Medeiros, chief of the Division of Surveillance and Repression, said the counterfeit products do not have the same guarantees as the originals, and do not meet the technical specifications of fabrication, hygiene and safety.


Also, according to him, these products can harm the consumer’s health, do not collect taxes, cause unfair competition and many times may be financing organised crime.


Eleven Federal Revenue Office employees participated in the operation, carried out in partnership with the Police Department of Crimes Against the Consumer, of the Civil Police.


The Federal Revenue Office added that law firms representing several brands provided operational and legal support during the operation.


The trade of counterfeit or pirated products is defined in article 190 paragraph 1 of Law 9279/96, of the Industrial Property Code. The penalty is detention for three months to one year.Source: https://g1.globo.com/pe/pernambuco/noticia/2023/02/23/duas-toneladas-de-produtos-piratas-sao-apreendidas-em-lojas-no-recife-material-e-avaliado-em-r-1-milhao.ghtml

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