January 10, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

PRF seizes BRL 1 million in stolen goods from three shopping centres in Cuiabá

Among the objects are 400 glasses, more than 200 shirts and 30 pairs of tennis shoes.


Two men were arrested, on Friday morning (6), carrying goods that had been stolen from three malls in Cuiabá. The arrest occurred during flagrant surveillance on a bus on BR-364, in Cuiabá. During the approach, the police found that criminals were carrying several bags and boxes, which totaled a large amount of luggage for the type of journey they reported to perform.


When asked about the origin of the products, they admitted to being the product of theft. In all, approximately BRL 1 million in products were recovered. Among the seized objects were almost 400 glasses, more than 200 shirts, more than 30 pairs of tennis shoes, and other items of clothing with high value added.


The pair was referred to the Civil Police, with the seized products. They will respond, at first, for the crime of theft to commercial establishment. The police did not inform how the thefts occurred or which shopping malls were targeted by criminals.

Source: https://odocumento.com.br/prf-apreende-r-1-milhao-em-produtos-furtados-de-3-shopping-centers-de-cuiaba/

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