June 1, 2022

Reading time • 5 min

Police seize R$1 million in counterfeit clothing in Goiania

According to investigators, the owners of the establishments will respond for trademark crime and crime against consumer relations.


The Civil Police of Goiás, through the State Police Department for Repression of Crimes Against the Consumer (Decon), seized, on Tuesday (17), about 10,000 pieces of clothing in the 44 region.


The seizure occurred during action to combat the marketing of counterfeit clothing in the 44 region, a Goiânia clothing manufacturing pole.


There were T-shirts, trousers, shorts and other items with signs of forgery, the merchandise was valued at approximately R$ 1 million.


The seized material will be subjected to expert examination to confirm the forgery already detected in the seizures sites.


The owners of the establishments targeted by the operation will respond for trademark crime and crime against consumer relations.


Source: Polícia apreende R$ 1 milhão em roupas falsificadas em Goiânia | G5 NEWS

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