August 23, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

Deic seizes more than 50,000 counterfeit car parts in São Paulo

Warrants were carried out at four addresses in the capital and in Guarulhos. Two people testified to the police.


Deic (State Department of Criminal Investigations) police seized 53,860 counterfeit auto parts. The material was found at four addresses in the north of the capital and at one location in Guarulhos, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.


The action was held this Thursday afternoon (19). The merchandise consists of bearings and clutches used in industrial machinery. Two men testified to the police about the forgeries.


The seizures took place during the execution of search and seizure warrants decreed by the courts. The measure was possible based on surveys carried out by police officers from the 1st Precinct DIG (Antipiracy). The team discovered a parts distribution scheme. The material was packed in boxes similar to the original ones.


The team carried out the warrants on Rua Otto Labastille, in Freguesia do Ó, in three buildings on Rua Symion Kyrlian, in Parque Edu Chaves, and on Rua São Gabriel, in Guarulhos. The material will be verified by technical expertise. Those involved committed crimes against industrial property.


Source: Deic apreende mais de 50 mil peças de carros falsificadas em São Paulo – Notícias – R7 São Paulo

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