March 11, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

PRF seizes six thousand counterfeit bags and 585 bottles of wine

More than six thousand counterfeit bags and 585 bottles of wine without an invoice were seized by the Federal Highway Police on Friday night, 5th, on via Dutra, in Lavrinhas.


During inspection, the PRF located the goods inside a box truck. The 26-year-old driver presented an invoice to prove the purchase of the bags, but the amount reported was lower than that of the brand, in addition to the poor quality verified by the inspectors.


The police also found almost 600 bottles of imported wines, but without proof of purchase. During testimony, the driver said he was unaware of the cargo. The man will answer for the crime of misappropriation and all the merchandise will be delivered to the Federal Revenue inTaubaté (SP).



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