September 19, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

PRF Recovers Truck Loaded with Cigarettes Smuggled from Paraguay in Guaíra

The 35-year-old driver was arrested; he was carrying 300,000 packets of cigarettes


On Monday morning (18), the Federal Highway Police (PRF) seized a load of 300,000 packets of cigarettes smuggled from Paraguay on the BR-272 in Francisco Alves (PR).


The police team approached the driver of the Ford/Cargo lorry and found his trunk full of the illicit cargo.


The truck also had cloned licence plates, and the original had been stolen in the city of Osasco (SP) in July this year.


The driver, who lives in Mundo Novo (MS), could be charged with the offences of smuggling, tampering with a vehicle’s identification mark and receiving stolen goods, the combined penalties for which could be up to 15 years in prison.


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