April 14, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Police seized cargo of smuggled cigarettes valued at R$ 1 million

Four members of the gang were arrested in the act. In all, 15 thousand product packages were collected.


This Sunday, April 12, BPMRv (Battalion of Military Police) seized 15 thousand packages of smuggled cigarettes in Nova Alvorada do Sul – 120 kilometers from Campo Grande. According to preliminary information, four suspects were arrested for the crime. The cargo was valued at R $ 1 million.


As disclosed, the seizure occurred during actions of Operation Horus, coordinated by MJSP (Ministry of Justice and Public Security) and Seopi (Integrated Operations Secretariat). The cigarette boxes were in a Mercedes Benz MB 1113. With the seizure of the 15 thousand packages of the product, they caused a loss of R $ 1 million for the gang. During the blast, two other cars, which were used in the cargo beater service, were also collected – an Audi A3 and a Hyundai Santa Fé.


Four members of the gang were arrested in the act. Names and ages have not been released to date.


Source: https://www.campograndenews.com.br/cidades/interior/policia-apreende-carga-de-cigarros-contrabandeados-avaliada-em-r-1-milhao

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