October 1, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Police arrest two men in pharmacy manipulation for counterfeit medicines in Bauru

According to investigations, drugs seized in the establishment, in addition to counterfeit, had no medical prescription and no concentration of substances on the labels.


The Civil Police of Bauru (SP) arrested on Wednesday (30) two people suspected of counterfeiting medicine and illegal practice of medicine.


Police officers from the General Investigations Sector in Bauru searched a compounding pharmacy, accompanied by the representative of the Regional Pharmacy Council. In the establishment, drugs were found without medical prescription, without concentration of substances on the label and counterfeit.


The two responsible for the establishment were flagrantly arrested and remained at the disposal of the Justice to be presented in a custody hearing.


Source: https://g1.globo.com/sp/bauru-marilia/noticia/2020/09/30/policia-prende-dupla-em-farmacia-de-manipulacao-por-falsificacao-de-remedios-em-bauru.ghtml

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