May 29, 2015

Reading time • 5 min

Parliamentary Front against Piracy is launched in the Congress

On this Wednesday (27) the Mixed Parliamentary Front in Defense of Intellectual Property and the Combat against Piracy was installed at the National Congress. The goal is to create pragmatic actions in the Legislature to strengthen innovation mechanisms, competitiveness and productivity, through projects and stimulate civil society to other initiatives that do not depend on laws.


The parliamentary front has Mr. Nelson Marchezan Júnior (PSDB-RS) as president and Senator Vanessa Grazziotin (PCdoB-AM) as vice president. The first initiative will list the law projects that address the issue to accelerate its passage in the Chamber of Deputies and in the Senate. Two of them have been identified: the PLs 333/1999 and 63/2012, under analysis in the Chamber, which amplify the severity of penalties for crimes against intellectual property and by reducing costs and bureaucracy.


– We already installed CPIs relevant to the combat against piracy. I am sensitive and I know the importance of the issue, I worked on other initiatives to promote intellectual property – said the senator Vanessa Grazziotin, which suggested awareness of unions and workers to the relevance of intellectual property and the combat against piracy as a way to protect jobs and generate wealth in the country.


– There is no way the public sector mobilize itself in a correct, constructive and agile manner if the organized civil society is not beside it, which are you – thanked the deputy Mr. Marchezan Junior, when mention the dozens of sector organizations attending the event, such as Brazilian Association of Intellectual Property (ABPI), the Brazilian Association of Software Companies (Abes), Brazilian Association of Pay-TV (ABTA) and the Motion Picture Association (MPA) – Latin America, among others.

More: Senado

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