August 17, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Operation seizes more than 1,000 counterfeit clothes and 3,000 counterfeit perfumes in Guarulhos

Police from the State Department of Criminal Investigations (Deic) seized more than 1,600 counterfeit clothes and 3,000 counterfeit perfumes during an anti-piracy operation on Tuesday (16). The action was launched in Guarulhos and targeted two warehouses located in Guarulhos, in Greater São Paulo.


After investigating, the police realised that the products were being sold online and requested search and seizure warrants from the courts, which authorised the request. At the two addresses, located in Jardim Novo Taboão and Jardim Santa Edwirges, the imitation clothes and luxury brand perfumes were collected and analysed.


Those responsible for the commercialisation are being investigated for crimes against industrial property and crimes against public health. The actions were coordinated by the 1st Police Station for Investigations into Immaterial Property, of the General Investigations Division (Dig).


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