July 4, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Four beverage companies are closed for exposing health risk

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA), released on this Monday (3), a balance of the task force of the folder that inspected wine companies and other beverages established in the State of São Paulo. In the operation 22 establishments were inspected with the interdiction of 4 of them for “imminent risk to consumer health, according to the Department of Plant Origin Products Inspection (Dipov) of the Agricultural Defense Department (SDA),” says the MAPA note.


In the action, the federal agricultural auditors also fined seven manufacturers for violations in the production process and seized more than 57 thousand litres of beverages, including juices, cachaças, wines and beers, and 280kg of fruit pulp. Another 131 thousand litres of sugar cane brandies, juices, fruit vinegars, wines and beers are still to be analysed in the Ministry’s official laboratories.


According to MAPA, the action aimed to ensure the quality of the products and that their consumption does not represent a health risk to consumers. The risks of this type of contamination became more evident after the case of contamination of an artisanal brewery in Minas Gerais, Backer, which in 2020 caused the death of 10 people who had drunk the brand’s contaminated beers.


“In addition to ensuring the safety of products, the inspection actions seek to coerce practices that may represent unfair competition in relation to those establishments that respect the legal dictates in the manufacture of wines and beverages,” said auditor Marcelo Mota, Dipov’s coordinator of Wine and Beverage Inspection.


According to MAPA’s note, the action that took place over the past week took place in the cities of Araraquara, Matão, Tabatinga, Colina, Lençóis Paulista, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, Vinhedo, Jundiaí, Araras, Limeira, Engenheiro Coelho, São Paulo, Campo Limpo Paulista, São Bernardo do Campo and Mauá, but the names of the fined companies will only be disclosed after the conclusion of the administrative proceedings.

Source: https://www.correiobraziliense.com.br/brasil/2023/07/5106298-quatro-empresas-de-bebida-sao-fechadas-por-oferecer-risco-a-saude.html

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