June 19, 2017

Reading time • 5 min

Customs seizes 19 tons of counterfeit products in Itajaí

In June 16th, the Port of Itajaí Customs carried out a seizure of a container with about 19 tons of counterfeit products from well-known brands such as Dior, Ray-Ban, Chanel, Oakley, Porsche, Nike, Cassio, LG and Samsung.


The products, which included glasses, watches and mobile screens, came from China and were seized in a primary zone of the Customs jurisdiction.The false declaration of content was detected by the Port of Itajaí Customs Risk Analysis team in conjunction with the 9th RF Repression Division during the merchandise check. The cargo was declared by the importer as silica gel – cat litter, NCM 2811.The products were evaluated in more than U$ 1,6 million, and after the proceedings the goods will be sent to destruction.Read more: IDG – Internal Revenue Service



Read More: IDG – Receita Federal

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