January 19, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

Counterfeit products are seized in action in the West Zone of Rio

The MP and PM operation took place in stores in the Terreirão community, in Recreio. A store was closed.


An operation against piracy in the Terreirão community, in Recreio, West Zone of Rio, seized a large number of pirated shirts, sneakers and shorts. A store with fake products was also closed.


Agents of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the 9th Criminal Court in Barra da Tijuca, the Security and Intelligence Coordination (CSI) of the MP and the 31st Battalion of the PM (Barra da Tijuca) found the material this Friday (15) inside the community .

The products were transported in a truck to the 42nd DP (Recreio dos Bandeirantes).


Source: https://g1.globo.com/rj/rio-de-janeiro/noticia/2021/01/15/mp-rj-e-pm-apreendem-produtos-piratas-em-operacao-no-recreio-rio.ghtml

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