April 23, 2020
Reading time • 5 min
Civil Police seized counterfeit Cloth Face Masks in SP
The product was in a truck intercepted in Brás and would be sold in the streets in São Paulo downtown.
The Civil Police seized this Thursday morning (23) thousands of counterfeit Cloth Face masks along with a large load of fake products.
The goods were in a truck that was intercepted in Brás, a popular shopping region in São Paulo downtown.
According to the investigation, the truck was coming from Apucarana, in Paraná, and would be unloaded at a popular shopping mall.
The masks, made of fabric, bare logos of famous brands and have been counterfeited.
It was also seized caps and other smulled itens.
Source: https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2020/04/23/policia-civil-apreende-mascaras-falsificadas-em-sp.ghtml
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