October 30, 2020

Reading time • 5 min

Civil Police arrest woman suspected of counterfeiting cosmetics in Indaiatuba

Police officers seized 2,700 items such as makeup, perfumes, shampoos and hair creams clandestinely handled in the countryside of the city.


A 38-year-old woman was arrested in Indaiatuba (SP) suspected of counterfeiting and clandestine manipulation of cosmetics. According to the Civil Police, 2,707 items of makeup, perfumes, shampoos and hair creams, among others, were seized in the property, in the countryside of the city.


The action carried out on Monday (26) was triggered by the team of the Department of Investigations on Organized Crime (Deic), who went to the site to collect information on handling cosmetic products without authorization from the Health Surveillance agencies.


The Civil Police reported that the woman claimed that she purchased original products in larger packages and fractionated the cosmetics at her home to make a profit from selling the smaller bottles. Still according to the corporation, the suspect, however, did not submit invoices to prove the origin of the products.


In addition to cosmetics, the other materials seized at the scene, such as labels suspected to be false, a precision scale, as well as empty bottles and packaging, were sent to the Criminalistics Institute (IC) for examination.


According to the Civil Police, the woman was caught in the act for forgery and sent to the female jail in Paulínia (SP).


Source – https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2020/10/27/policia-civil-prende-suspeita-de-falsificar-cosmeticos-em-indaiatuba.ghtml

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