January 9, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Auditors seize more than 300 counterfeit glasses in Porto Alegre

An action coordinated by the Municipal Security Department (SMSEG) collected on this Thursday more than 300 counterfeit glasses near the Terminal Parobé, in downtown Porto Alegre. The cargo was valued at about BRL 10 thousand. The seizure is made by municipal inspectors is the result of the Operation “Calçada Livre”.


In addition to the seizure of the glasses, the peddler who held the glasses was also fined for illegal trade.
The “Calçada Livre” has already removed hundreds of counterfeit products from circulation. Although the value is more attractive, these materials can generate health problems”, says the Security Deputy Secretary, Commissioner Zottis. Recently, city inspectors had also removed counterfeit perfumes and smuggled cigarettes from circulation.


According to the City Hall, besides guaranteeing the increase of the population’s sense of security, the Operation “Calçada Livre” also aims to guarantee the regularization of commerce, as well as the good progress of the revitalization works in the Historic Centre. Anonymous reports can be made by phone 153 of the Municipal Guard.

Source: https://www.correiodopovo.com.br/not%C3%ADcias/pol%C3%ADcia/fiscais-apreendem-mais-de-300-%C3%B3culos-falsificados-em-porto-alegre-1.968190

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