June 10, 2024

Reading time • 5 min

DF Revenue seizes BRL 450,000 in irregular goods

In the early hours of Friday morning (7), more than BRL 450,000 in irregular goods were seized by tax auditors from the DF Secretariat for the Economy (SEEC). The operations confiscated alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as 42 tons of beans in a tax violation situation on the BR-060 highway.


With regard to the seized beans, Seec’s Tax Inspection coordinator, Silvino Nogueira Filho, explains that “after the procedure, it was found that there was no proper tax documentation to cover the goods contained in the vehicle”.


Another seizure with a value still to be determined was also carried out on the morning of the 7th in the Ceilândia Administrative Region. The goods seized did not comply with Federal District tax legislation and consisted of alcoholic beverages, clothing, footwear, cosmetics, electronic products and other items.


The operations were carried out by the Goods in Transit Inspection Management (GEFMT), of the Tax Inspection Coordination (Cofit), and included the work of tax auditors from the Federal Revenue Service.


What was seized and where it took place:
– 1 truck with 42 tons of beans, valued at BRL 400,000, on BR-060
– 1 vehicle with 5,000 units of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, valued at BRL 50,000, on the BR-060 highway
– An estimated 15 tons of products seized at a warehouse in the Ceilândia Administrative Region. The goods and their values are being investigated.


SEEC’s teams of auditors work on weekdays, weekends and holidays, inspecting roads, highways, carriers, airports and commercial establishments. The taxes collected are used by the state, as tax revenue applied to the development of public policies (works, education, health, security, mobility, social programs, among others). The aim of the tax authorities’ systematic work is to recover funds that would otherwise not enter the Federal District’s public coffers.


As Silvino Nogueira Filho points out, “the work of tax auditors makes it possible to promote tax justice and maintain the democratic rule of law. The fight against tax evasion contributes to fairer competition between traders in the Federal District”.

Source: https://jornaldebrasilia.com.br/brasilia/receita-do-df-apreende-r-450-mil-em-mercadorias-irregulares/

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