June 22, 2023

Reading time • 5 min

Police seize 11,000 cartons of cigarettes smuggled from Paraguay

The Military Police seized 11,000 cartons of cigarettes smuggled from Paraguay. The seizure happened early on this Wednesday (21), around 0:20 AM, during an approach at the cloverleaf intersection of PR-487 with PR-466 in Manoel Ribas. The team spotted two vehicles, a pickup truck VW Amarok and Ford Fiesta, at high speed, about 300 meters apart from each other. At first, the police officers approached only the pickup truck.


But when the driver of the car visualized the police approach, he made a “horseback riding” maneuver in the middle of the road. Then, the man returned and fled. The occupants of the VW Amarok waited at the scene and the police made a tactical follow up of the car.




Next, the police located the Ford Fiesta, but the driver had already fled. Inside the car, there was a large amount of cigarettes smuggled from Paraguay. A team from Pitanga came in support and returned to the place of the first approach, where the VW Amarok truck was. During the search, the Military Police identified four men, who were 25, 35, 36 and 47 years old.


The occupants are Ibaiti residents, and one of them was very nervous because he has already been arrested for smuggling. The vehicle was up to date with the documentation and the occupants were also up to date with justice. So the police advised and released the men from the scene with the truck.


The Federal Police Marshal of Guarapuava guided them to count the cartons of cigarettes and seal the vehicle. Then, the seizure was sent to the Federal Revenue Office in Ponta Grossa.

Source: https://redesuldenoticias.com.br/noticias/pm-apreende-11-mil-carteiras-de-cigarros-contrabandeados-do-paraguai/

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