August 20, 2022

Reading time • 5 min

Receita Federal apreende R$ 300 mil em roupas durante operação contra contrabando em Ribeirão Preto

Seizure was conducted between Tuesday (16) and Wednesday (17) in two suspicious stores. Sellers can submit documentation of the authenticity of the goods and, if the regularity is proven, items will be returned.


The Federal Revenue, during an operation against smuggling this Tuesday (16) and Wednesday (17), seized $ 300 thousand in pieces of clothing and accessories in two stores in Ribeirão Preto (SP).


The establishments, located on Rua Martinico Prado and Avenida Costábile Romano, are suspect and the respective sellers have a deadline to submit documentation proving that the items are regularized. If this happens, they will be returned to the owners.


The seized products were sealed and sent to the local warehouse of the Federal Revenue.




The action, called ‘Operation Repression against Smuggling and Embezzlement’, was coordinated by the Repression of Customs Illicit Acts Group of the Federal Revenue in Ribeirão Preto.


The aim of the operation is to verify the regularity of the importation and authenticity of merchandise of foreign origin, such as clothing, perfumes, watches, and sunglasses, and to verify the payment of taxes on these imports.



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