July 25, 2022

Reading time • 5 min

Police seize more than 100 bottles of beverages in an irregular situation in Igrejinha

Collected products will be sent to the Federal Revenue Service; action aimed to combat the sale of counterfeit items and in non-conformity with the legal regulations.


The Civil Police seized more than one hundred units of beverages in a store in downtown Igrejinha during an action to combat the sale of counterfeit products and in non-conformity with the legal regulations. The inspection at the establishment occurred on Wednesday ( 6th ), with the support of the Police Department of Consumer Protection (Decon/Deic).


Among bottles of gin, wine, whiskey, vodka and sparkling wine, 122 products were collected that were not within the legal standards and did not have proof of licit origin. According to Chief of Police Alexandre Fleck, the suspicion is that the company Emporio 28 was committing the crime of smuggling (non-payment of taxes on products originating in another country) with items coming from Argentina. In addition, the owners of the store may also respond for crimes against consumer relations and industrial property.


The seized beverages will be sent to the Federal Revenue Service, which will analyze the fiscal regularity of the products.


What the company says


According to Emporio 28’s defense lawyer, Fábio Adriano Fischer, the company states that all commercialized beverages come from official distributors. He confirms, however, that “some beverages had inconsistencies regarding labeling. The lawyer reports that the infraction, however, should configure as a crime against consumer relations.


Fischer claims that the company is already taking the necessary measures to regularize the products.


Source: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jornalvs.com.br%2Fnoticias%2Fregiao%2F2022%2F07%2F06%2Fpolicia-apreende-mais-de-100-garrafas-de-bebidas-em-situacao-irregular-em-igrejinha.html

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