July 30, 2021

Reading time • 5 min

Police arrest one and close a clandestine factory capable of producing 1,000 bottles of beverages

Case occurred on Thursday and suspect was arrested for counterfeiting. Police seized 2,800 bottles of whiskey and vodka, in addition to items used for manufacturing.


The Civil Police closed this Thursday (29) a clandestine beverage factory with the capacity to produce up to 1,000 bottles a day in Campinas (SP). A 30-year-old man suspected of participating in the crime was arrested for counterfeiting. Nobody was hurt.


The institution reported that, at the site, there were filling machines, 14 tanks of 1,000 liters with adulterated beverages, 11,000 caps, 5,000 dispensers, 9,700 beverage boxes, 967 empty containers, 52,000 labels, in addition to 2 ,800 bottles of whiskey and vodka that were packaged for sale.

The General Investigations Department (DIG) reported that the suspect was taken to the jail annexed to the 2nd Police District, in São Bernardo, where he remained at the disposal of the courts until this publication.



According to the police, the beverage produced at the place were sold through social networks and reached wineries, markets, bars, parties and nightclubs in the region at a price lower than the market price. Representatives of the Brazilian Association of Beverages (Abrabe) were on site to assess the liquids and also found irregularities.


Source: https://g1.globo.com/sp/campinas-regiao/noticia/2021/07/29/policia-prende-um-e-fecha-fabrica-clandestina-capaz-de-produzir-1-mil-bebidas-por-dia-em-campinas.ghtml

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